Saturday, May 19, 2012
Irving Circle--1915
Irma Vollrath and a friend stopped briefly from playing to pose for this photo taken in the Irving Circle Park around 1915. Behind the girls, you can see the following homes along South Audubon Road: 237-39, 245-47, 251, and in the distance the double that sits on the southeast corner of University and Audubon Road.
Dr. Walter Kelly built 237-39 in 1915. His home is barely visible in the photo, but you can see the porch and dark stained cedar shingles. Next to it, you can see the American Four Square double at 245-47 South Audubon Road. The Kaylor family lived on one side and the Campbells on the other. The beautiful Arts and Crafts era home at 251 housed the Betram Day family from 1908 till about 1915. Demarchus Brown, the State Librarian, and his wife Jesse Christian Brown lived in the home from 1915 and into the 1920s. Mr. Brown was the brother of Hilton U. Brown, while Mrs. Brown came from the Christian family, for whom Christian Park is named. She became renown around the state for her travels. Mrs. Brown loved to visit exotic locations and then come back and give a report of her findings to clubs and women's groups around the state. When she died, small town newspapers across the state carried her obituary.
The historic image is courtesy of Dr. Victor Vollrath while the newer photo shows 245-47 and 251 South Audubon Road on May 18, 2012.
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