2014 marks the centennial anniversary of the Irvington Dancing Club. Founded in 1914, members have continuously kicked up their heels for nearly one hundred years. The original charter forbade any drinking of alcohol at the meetings and dancers always began with the "grand march." The club has met in a variety of locations over the years including Moore's Hall (demolished) on South Audubon Road, the Masonic Building on East Washington Street, and in some of the schools. Alan Kleman is currently compiling a history of the club and needs your help. If you have any information about the Dancing Club or any of its members please drop Alan or myself an e-mail. You may reach Alan at the-klemans@sbcglobal.net. Happy Dancing!!
Mr. Kleman sent the following newspaper article that appeared in the Indianapolis Star in 1963. Some of the people mentioned in the article include Mr. and Mrs. Deane E. Pinney (731 N. Audubon Rd.), Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Husted (727 N. Audubon Rd.), Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Glass (5748 E. Michigan Street), Mrs. Harry E. Barnard (5050 Pleasant Run Pkwy), and Mrs. Robert B. Long (222 S. Ritter Avenue)
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