Friday, July 26, 2013

The McCleery Home at 317 South Arlington Avenue

Lee and Jane McCleery put down roots at 317 South Arlington Avenue in 1944.  With one child at home and another on the way, the couple likely needed more space for their growing family.  Mr. McCleery worked for International Harvester on Brookville Road so his drive to work would be quite short from the home.  The dwelling was first built in 1917 for the Jonathan Merwin family.  The Merwins, in keeping with the times, stained the exterior clapboards a dark brown hue.  The McCleerys eventually lightened the house dramatically by whitewashing the stained wood.  They also enclosed the front porch and added rear rooms as Mr. McCleery lost a leg in a terrible industrial accident so he struggled with stairs.  These photos show the home shortly after the McCleery's purchased it in the mid-1940s and later as their children began to play outside.  The couple would eventually add a third child in 1955.

The McCleery home at 317 South Arlington Avenue c1945

Chuck McCleery on a pony by 317 South Arlington in 1946

Chuck McCleery on his bike in front of 317 South Arlington Avenue c1951

317 South Arlington Avenue c1952

Wilda and Chuck McCleery in front of 317 South Arlington c1952

317 South Arlington Avenue on July 24, 2013


  1. They moved to 5949 beechwood then built a brick house just west of it, they used to have church services out of their home. They sold 5949 to the Doody family. I can ask the Doodys' when they bought it.

  2. Greetings! Thanks for your note. That would be great. You can let the Doody's know that Mr. McCleery has generously allowed me to scan many wonderful shots of the Beechwood home(s) and I will be posting them on this site. Take care

  3. Bill
    I am using my wife's account. Anyway, great job on the pictures and the info. These bring back wonderful years in Irvington. Chuck McCleery
